For numerus groups special offers are made. Contact us to create an offer specifically for you.


  • A deposit of 50% of the total amount of the stay is required, which is not refunded in case of cancellation.
  • Any bank or transaction costs are charged to the customer.
Category From 01/05 To 30/09
Adult overnight 7,50€
Overnight stay for a child from 4 to 11 years old 4,00€
Car 4,00€
Caravan 7,00€
Canvas Trailer 7,00€
Camper car or car with tent on the roof 10,00€
Tent 7,00€
Bus (Up to 16 seats)
Bus (More than 16 seats)
Motorcycle 2,00€
Boat with trailer
Tent for hire
Power supply 5,00€
Power supply (for tent) 2,00€
Caravan for hire

Created by Intelligent Solutions

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